Rolex country codes, also known as "Rolex Client Numbers", are three-digit codes that indicate the country to which a watch was originally shipped. These codes were on the warranty cards of Rolex watches until June 2020. After that date, new warranty cards were introduced without these country codes. 

On older warranty cards you will find the country code as follows:

  • For watches produced before 2007: the country code is next to the word "Warranty".
  • For watches produced after 2007: the country code appears at the top under "N Client".

An example of a country code is "LC 134", which stands for the Netherlands.


country Country code(s)

LC 010 – LC 018, LC 021 – LC 028, LC 030 –

LC 033, LC 036, LC 037, LC 039, LC 044,

LC 045, LC 059, LC 061, LC 062

Germany LC 100, LC 109
France LC 110, LC 112 – LC 115, LC 119 (COMEX – Franse duikmaatschappij)
Austria LC 120 – LC 128
Belgium/Luxembourg LC 130
The Netherlands LC 133 – LC 138
Spain LC 150
Great Britain/Ireland LC 160
Italy LC 170, LC 172, LC 173, LC 176, LC 181, LC 185, LC 187 (Salvadori – Venice), LC 189, LC 200 (used in the 80s), LC 203, LC 204, LC 223 (Salvadori – Venice, late 1980s), LC 224 (Pisa – Milan, 1980s)
Greece LC 200 (since the 90s), LC 206, LC 207 (Corfu), LC 208
Malta LC 201
Turkey LC 202, LC 381, LC 383, LC 385
Cyprus LC 205
Portugal LC 210, LC 212, LC 213, LC 215, LC 216 – LC 218
Denmark LC 226 – LC 228, LC 231, LC 232 – LC 235
Finland LC 236, LC 283, LC 285, LC 286, LC 291, LC 294, LC 296, LC 298
Iceland LC 237
Norway LC 241 – LC 244, LC 246, LC 252, LC 253, LC 284
Sweden LC 262, LC 265, LC 267 – LC 268, LC 270 – LC 273
Hungary LC 301, LC 322
Poland LC 311, LC 312
Romania LC 316
Bulgaria LC 317
Slovakia LC 318
Czech Republic LC 320, LC 321
Slovenia LC 323
Serbia Montenegro LC 325
Russia LC 330
Azerbaijan LC 337
Hong Kong LC 400, LC 872 (DFS Group – Chinese reisretailer), LC 874, LC 888
Guam LC 402, LC 873
Seoul LC 408, LC 409
Japan LC 410, LC 900
Korea LC 413
Singapore/Brunei/Indonesia LC 430
Malaysia/Thailand LC 431
Taiwan LC 440, LC 828
India LC 500, LC 501, LC 507, LC 563, LC 565, LC 570, LC 573, LC 578, LC 579, LC 595
Pakistan LC 505, LC 506, LC 581
Nepal LC 513, LC 516
Bangladesh LC 514
Lebanon LC 522
Bahrain LC 526
Middle East LC 527
Saudi Arabia LC 529, LC 531, LC 532
Kuwait LC 533
Qatar LC 534, LC 535
Abu Dhabi LC 536
Dubai LC 537
My own LC 538, LC 539
Iran LC 542
Israel LC 548
Yemen LC 551
Morocco LC 601, LC 602
Tunisia LC 605, LC 608
Egypt LC 612
Congo LC 634
Mauritius LC 655
Kenya LC 668
South Africa LC 680
Canada LC 700
United States LC 710
Mexico LC 720
Bermuda LC 722
Bahamas LC 733
Curaçao LC 741
Venezuela LC 750
Colombia LC 760
Brazil LC 770
Chile LC 780
Argentina LC 790
Australia LC 810, LC 870
New Zealand LC 818
Fiji LC 820
New Caledonia LC 821
Tahiti LC 822
Vanuatu LC 823
Samoa LC 824
Arrived LC 825

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